The Joy of Flowers

The Pulpit Flowers Group and Flower Garden Team contribute so much to our members’ and friends’  joy.  The following are photos of most of our Pulpit Flower givers.  We thank them all.

Linda P., the force guiding our celebration of flowers, writes the following:

Our purpose is to provide fresh flowers for display in the sanctuary to enhance Sunday Services, and provide flowers for church meetings, church  members, as well as the Care Team, Minister and others to take to those towhom they minister.

The flowers growing in our flower garden which is located at the front of the Enrichment Center are for all the church members/friends/staff and other associated folks/charities.  

Some of the members of our group work in the Church Flower Garden help to grow flowers. Some of our members provide fresh flower arrangements from our garden and/or other sources to embellish our Sunday services. 

We invite you to sign up to bring flowers once or more per year in memory of loved ones/causes or in celebration of memorable achievements, etc. Or, just because you want to bring flowers for all to enjoy! Email: and Linda P. will respond to help you arrange for a specific date.

Program Assistant Transitions

We are sad to notify you that Sunday, March 10th will be Gabriele “Gaby” Cabrera’s last day with us at the First Unitarian Church of Orlando. Gaby has been with 1U for over 8 years as our Program Assistant and has served this community well. She will be missed tremendously. As you see Gaby over the next couple of weeks, please take a moment to thank her and to wish her well.

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Which Way Is the Sanctuary?

1U is more welcoming than ever this month. Please note the new signs directing people to our different buildings, especially at the entrance to our parking lot. Also, please note that there is a new sign on the corner of Hampton and Robinson which should be more visible and more durable. 

So now there is no reason not to send folks to 1U as they will no longer get lost – unless they wander into the Flower Garden, the Community Garden or the Labyrinth. Also, note there there is a new outside Community Bulletin Board at the Enrichment Center driveway entrance. See Amy for items to be posted.


Celebrating our DLRE and Flower Volunteers!

Curious about what the 1U flower ministry has been up to? 

2023-10-08 Flowers - Detail Bouquet

We recently celebrated out DLRE Judith’s first year with us at First Unitarian Church of Orlando! Mary D. presented her with a lovely bouquet.

2023-10-08 Flowers - DLRE Judith FS and Mary D

Below are Jenny L. and Patty R. who deliver flowers from our church flower garden regularly to those who are at home recovering or otherwise in need of some cheerful flowers to remind them of all their friends at our church.

2023-10-08 Flowers - Jenny L and Patty R

Colleen and Ray W. generously and regularly sign up and bring lovely arrangements for our Sunday services.  Here they are with flowers they brought for our 10/8 service.

2023-10-08 Flowers - Colleen and Roy W

Joy D. with gorgeous hydrangeas that she brought for our Sunday morning service.

0-6.jpg2023-10-08 Flowers - Joy

Jean S. with a sunflower she helped grow in our church flower garden:

2023-10-08 Flowers - Jean S

Katherine V. with flowers she brought for our Sunday Morning service.

2023-10-08 Flowers - Katherine V.

Many thanks to our other flower volunteers who grow plants and make arrangements! Pics below are of flowers grown on our church campus and given to friends and members of our church.

A bouquet of snapdragons and bleeding hearts.

2023-10-08 Flowers - Maroon Flowers

A bouquet of orange heliconia. 

2023-10-08 Flowers - Orange Flowers

A bouquet of blue salvia.

2023-10-08 Flowers - Purple Flowers

Would you like to sign up and help grow flowers or bring an arrangement on Sunday? You can come early to cut flowers from our church flower garden, bring a bouquet you grew at home, or bring a store bought bouquet.

You may honor a loved one having a birthday or a special occasion by giving flowers and having a dedication line read in the Joys and Concerns. For example, “The flowers today are given by Mary to celebrate the 70th birthday of my husband, John.” Sign up early if you want any specific date, as many dates are already taken!

Read more out the flower ministry!

For more information and how to join us, please email Linda P. at

Sunday flowers

Thank you, Cindy, for today’s pulpit flowers!

Would you like to volunteer to bring the flowers? You may honor a loved one having a birthday or a special occasion by giving flowers and having a dedication line read in the Joys and Concerns. For example, “The flowers today are given by Mary to celebrate the 70th birthday of my husband, John.” Sign up early if you want any specific date, as many dates are already taken!

You are welcome to get flowers from the church flower garden or from wherever you choose. We have vases you can use. You are welcome to take the flowers with you after the service — for yourself or to give to whomever.

We ask that you put the flowers in place 20 to 30 minutes before the service so that congregants can admire the flowers as they enter the church and are seated.

There are many other ways you can help with pulpit flowers and the flower garden. Read more here. 

For more information and how to join us, please email Linda P. at

“The Sweet Spot Between Stubbornness and Resistance: A Retelling of the Jesus Story”

Worship Leaders: Rev. Margalie Belizaire / Judith Stein-Farrall / Aubrey Connelly-Candelario / Julia Chinnock

with 1U Choir and Mak “n” Cheez with guest appearances of Nicki and Rachel as the “Wild Things” as a storytelling Sunday treat.

One of the things that Jesus is known for is bucking the establishment of his time. He had a clear understanding that simply because something was law, didn’t make it just. Jesus accordingly resisted what was unjust. I venture to say that he was also stubborn and that helped in his cause. On this Easter Sunday, let’s explore the sweet spot between stubbornness and resistance as it pertains to the man, Jesus.


Flower Team Welcomes New Helpers!

The Pulpit Flowers team is responsible for the lovely flowers in the pulpit each Sunday. We are thrilled to welcome new team member, Joy D., shown with the gorgeous hydrangea flowers that she recently brought for our Sunday service.

2022-10-24 Joy with Hydrangeas

We also work closely with the Flower Garden group, which grows flowers and greenery for pulpit flowers, Caring Circle arrangements, and more.  At our recent work party amidst the blooms we welcomed new visitors Kayla,  and Nikki with her son.  Also joining us in flower gardening is a long-term established wonderful member of our church, Jean S! She is new to working in our flower garden also.  Anyone is welcome to attend our gardening events! 

2022-10-24 New Helpers in Flower Garden


We will be ordering flowers from the University of Florida Extension Service which coordinates with a  4H club for their service project to “give” poinsettias for a donation.  These will be our holiday poinsettia flowers in the sanctuary during December. Would you like to help the flower team to water them once each Sunday before or after services in December so they don’t wilt?

The poinsettias will be available for delivery to nursing homes afterwards, so let flower team know, please,  if you want to take some to a nursing home or other appropriate person or place.

You can reach us at to help or for more details on our projects!