The Pledge Drive-Why we contribute


Each year The Pledge Drive gives some of our members an opportunity to share the importance of 1U in their lives. The following are excerpts—

A mother of two children offered the following: Know that when you support 1U you support families who need this village and children who need us to say “I’m so proud of you.” You’re supporting programming that teaches children to act on their values and speak out about their beliefs, making positive changes in the world.

Today I give to 1U and volunteer with the RE program because I want our children to have a loving community. We give our UU children a space where they can be themselves and not only be accepted for who they are but supported and celebrated. Our children need us. They need to know we’re here and we’re on their side. And my message for the youth here is: What you do matters. You are making a difference.  And I am so proud of you.

A grandfather shared: “As we traveled around the country building houses with Habitat for Humanity, Here’s what we found — As we worked side by side with future home owners – We found that our gift of helping them was also their gift right back to us – it was a gift that lifted our spirit and filled our hearts.  

 I think the Unitarians have gotten it right all along – that spreading love and justice, and helping others, is a necessary part of our spiritual journey. — It completes the circle from looking inward to reaching out.”

A dedicated climate change activist shared: My experience at 1U affirms that our church community truly affirms that the environment is vital and that we are all part of the interdependent web of life.   That was brought home to me by the support I received when I brought up the new idea of a solar co-op.

A meeting on May 15, 2015  that started solar co-ops in this Sanctuary happened because I received an immediate “Yes” when I asked Dan H. if he would be interested in hearing about solar co-ops, an idea I had heard about on NPR which sparked a “light bulb” moment. And, next I received another supportive “Yes” when I asked Rev Kathy, our minister at the time, for her OK to use the Sanctuary for a public meeting to launch the solar co-op.    

Now looking forward, I have aspirations for THIS church-that we install SOLAR panels on THIS Sanctuary and our other rooftops so that we reduce our energy footprint and serve to encourage others in our community to consider the solar option.

And, then we have a long time member person share how the Unitarian Universalist principles support her life path: She reminded us about the worth and dignity of each person, compassion for all, the value of a personal philosophy, the importance of democracy, and that all the nations of the world and the natural world are interconnected.

A dedicated Justice member said: I’ve been invited to speak with you this morning about JUSTICE and GENEROSITY.  1U has a reputation in Central Florida as

a place where justice is our core principle, a place where justice happens. So, anything we do to support the existence and life of this church is an act of justice  .    .    .  So, here’s the GENEROSITY part. One of the major ways we support this church is by being generous with our money. To keep justice alive at 1U, we must pledge as much money as our circumstances allow. .    .   . LIVE YOUR VALUES, TAKE OWNERSHIP OF 1U IN YOUR HEART, AND PLEDGE ACCORDINGLY.

Congregational Meeting means lunch and 1U’s Mid Year Report

A powerful service focused on the world and UUSC’s partners, lunch for all and a Congregational Meeting filled our Sunday. We heard reports from Rev. Margalie and Judith Stein-Farrell, John Hartgering from Finance and the Strategic Planning committee reported on the Vision, Mission and Values asking for support of the months of work by multiple teams with a vote. See Meeting report. Look forward for more information .

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Congratulations to Rev. Margalie for earning Full Fellowship accreditation from the UUA









On November 2, 2023, Rev. Margalie attained Full Fellowship from the UUA Ministerial Fellowship Committee (MFC). This status was recognized by 1U on November 19, 2023 during the Sunday morning worship service. Paul Knight, President of the1U Board of Trustees, performed the honors.

Full Fellowship is conferred when a UU minister in Preliminary Fellowship has satisfied the requirements as outlined by the UUA. The credentially exercise for a parish minister includes the minister, their mentor, and the congregation(s) they’re serving at the time that they go through the process.

The First Unitarian Church participated in the process for Rev. Margalie by, both the Board of Trustees and the Committee On (Shared) Ministry, completing and submitting evaluations on her to the MFC. This is a significant step in a minister’s professional life. The entire fellowship process (both preliminary and Full) involves ongoing education, reports, conversations and formal interviews. Congratulations Rev. Margalie!

Congregational Meeting on Dec 3rd, Childcare Provided

1U Fall Congregational Meeting
Sunday, December 3, 2023, 12:00 Noon
In the Sanctuary and via Zoom here
Passcode: 453818; Meeting ID: 976 6476 4070

Voting in person only at this meeting.

Please mark your calendar now to attend this Fall Congregational Meeting. Links to the documents for the meeting are below:

  1. Meeting Agenda
  2. Minutes from May 2023 Annual Meeting [to be approved]
  3. Proposed Changes to 1U Bylaws [to be approved]

You may direct questions to
Childcare will be provided.
Looking forward to seeing you there!

Important Note: We will be voting on a Bylaw change. During COVID our leadership did a great job of reacting to the needs of the congregation, keeping us safe, and structuring meetings to accommodate isolation during COVID. Now, we must catch up the wording of our Bylaws to reflect that capability. So, at this fall meeting, only in-person voting will be permitted as we vote on a Bylaw change. We will broadcast the meeting via Zoom, but only those in the Sanctuary will be able to vote. Thus, we need healthy face-to-face attendance! A light meal will be served after church and before the meeting.

Yours in Service,
Paul K., Board President

Save Dec 3, 2023 for Fall Congregational Meeting!

Fall Congregational Meeting, note from the Board

This is an informal announcement that the fall Congregational meeting will be December 3rd, following worship. We will be voting on a bylaw change – more on that coming up next week. But in short, during COVID our leadership did a great job of reacting to the needs of the congregation, keeping us safe, and structuring meetings to accommodate isolation during COVID. Now, we must catch up our bylaws to reflect that capability.

So at this fall meeting, only in person voting will be permitted as we vote on a bylaw change. We will broadcast the meeting via Zoom, but only those in the room will be able to vote. Thus, we need healthy face-to-face attendance! A light meal will be served ater church and before the meeting. Please mark your calendars for December 3! Again, more information on the meeting will be forthcoming!

Board of Trustees

LOVE>Hate Rally at Lake Eola Sunday afternoon

The Rally at Lake Eola  on Sunday, October 22, 2023 was conceived to remind  and energize people of all faiths and no faiths , people of manycultures  and one culture, that Love is greater than Hate, that Love is the primary energy and motivation for each of us in our lives and for the world.

Judith Feinstein-Farrell , the 1U educator, told the inspiration of the gathering, motivated by seeing a need  to shout out that we are not OK with hate as a form of Leadership, not OK with violence as a way to govern, we are not ok with the marginalization of peoples or erasure of the history of people because of their race, class, religion, color or sexual orientation.

Rev. Margalie  Belizaire of the First Unitarian Church of Orlando spoke next to welcome everybody and reminded us of Toni Morrison’s words that everybody must keep in the front of their mind that love is a choice that each of us needs to make for our own humanity and for the benefit of our neighbors near and far. Rev. Margalie  ended  her prayer with Toni Morrison’s words: “Beloveds, we save one another every day with love.”

Nicki Drumb and Rachel Gardiner, long time advocates for love in Orlando, spoke of their personal and world commitment to love and how it motivated them to work for this rally’s message.

The next speakers added messages of love grounded in their religion, culture and personal and family experiences. The prime solution for all speakers was positivity and love. We heard  messages for Americans and world citizens from Jocelyn Williamson of the Central Florida Free Thought Community, Representative Anna Eskamani, Rabbi David Kay, president, Interfaith Council of Central of Florida, Rev. Kierstin Homblette Allen, Community Unitarian Universalist minister, Samir Fkiyi, Moroccan American Cultural Society of Florida, Terry Olson  of Fusion Fest and Orange County Arts and Cultural Affairs and Ruth King, singer and activist.

Ruth King reminded us with song as we ended that we can heal the infection of hatred by loving the hated, a mission of her lifetime. More photos can be seen here.


Pride Parade was alive with joy and pride

Rev. Margalie, 1U minister, and Judith, 1U CRE director, and 1U Board President, Paul, guided our truck and trailer while Rev. Tracie of University UU Fellowship led the combined UU Orlando contingent holding the Side with Love Banner along the Parade route. All along the route as well as at the booth, fans that proclaimed, “We Want to Marry You” and “We Say Gay” were given out. Our parade vehicle proudly communicated UU values with signs, banners, and colors. See SmugMug for more photos here for more photos. Thank you Joan, former Board president of 1U and University UU volunteers for sharing their UU values and support for LGBTQUIA+ with hundreds of walkers along Lake Eola.



Stronger Together as jpeg

Sign up using the above QR code and see all 1U Parade info.

1U is excited to be participating once again in Orlando’s Pride Parade on October 21, 2023. 

We will have a booth during the festival and will also participate in the parade and will have limited rider spots. 

Volunteer for: Booth duty will consist of 3 shifts during the day under a tent in the shade.  

You can also Sign up here for the parade and booth time.

We will be meeting at the parade staging area 2 hours before the parade starts at announced 4:00pm.  We will load up the decorating supplies before then and will have them with us.  Please bring any additional flags or banners you would like to share for the decorating of the trailer and truck.

We expect to stage just off North Orange Avenue (cross street to be sent as soon as provided).

The parade route is approximately 1 mile long and we anticipate lots of standing and waiting so wear your walking shoes, bring sunscreen, your water bottle, and a hat.  We will have handouts to give away along the route and to be passed out at our booth. At the end of the parade expect to be turned onto East Robinson Street to return to de-decorate the float.

Parade Schedule:

2:00pm –  Show up to decorate and prep at the staging area-sign up so we can tell you where the truck and trailer are waiting for you. Sign up so we know to send you location.

3:30pm –  Show up to walk and ride with 1U– Meet at North Orange Avenue and (cross street to be sent as soon as provided)

4:00pm – Parade starts

5:30pm – Expect to be back at 1U

Should you have any questions, please email or you can call Paul at 407-614-7285.

And, be sure to include in Sunday’s schedule, The WE BELIEVE IN SHOWING UP at 1:pm at NE Lake Eola  to proclaim that LOVE > HATE


1U Leaders back in person this year!

The four members of the Leadership Development Committee (Kathy H., Cat R., Mary Ann H. and John H.) conducted a three hour workshop in Gore Hall with Rev. Margalie, Judith S-F and 21 other church leaders on Saturday August 12. Leaders met in small groups during the workshop to evaluate their own groups and our leadership program using the SOAR model (Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations and Results) which has also been adopted by the Strategic Planning Team. There was lots of energetic and thoughtful discussion during the meetings and as many of the ideas were shared on newsprint during the session.

Leaders will be meeting again on Zoom on August 26 for the second orientation workshop, including the “nuts and bolts” training to support a successful leadership experience.

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