Congregational Meeting means lunch and 1U’s Mid Year Report

A powerful service focused on the world and UUSC’s partners, lunch for all and a Congregational Meeting filled our Sunday. We heard reports from Rev. Margalie and Judith Stein-Farrell, John Hartgering from Finance and the Strategic Planning committee reported on the Vision, Mission and Values asking for support of the months of work by multiple teams with a vote. See Meeting report. Look forward for more information .

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Save Dec 3, 2023 for Fall Congregational Meeting!

Fall Congregational Meeting, note from the Board

This is an informal announcement that the fall Congregational meeting will be December 3rd, following worship. We will be voting on a bylaw change – more on that coming up next week. But in short, during COVID our leadership did a great job of reacting to the needs of the congregation, keeping us safe, and structuring meetings to accommodate isolation during COVID. Now, we must catch up our bylaws to reflect that capability.

So at this fall meeting, only in person voting will be permitted as we vote on a bylaw change. We will broadcast the meeting via Zoom, but only those in the room will be able to vote. Thus, we need healthy face-to-face attendance! A light meal will be served ater church and before the meeting. Please mark your calendars for December 3! Again, more information on the meeting will be forthcoming!

Board of Trustees

Endowment Annual Meeting and Annual Congregational Year Meeting

1U’s Endowment Board reported on our financial standing and its support of the 1U Beloved Community. The Board of Trustees held up the achievements, milestones and challenges of our first post covid year. Plans for next year were an important element of the meeting. And, of course there was the voting: approval for Spring Congregational Minutes; FY 2023–2024 Budget; and slates for 2023–2024 Endowment Board, Board of Trustees, and Nominating Committee members. Many voted online before the meeting, others on line during the meeting and at the meeting. All meeting materials are located Here.


8th Principle


The following was taken from the Frequently Asked Questions. See this link for all the FYI questions and answers. Vote online or at the Congregational Meeting on March 19.

What is the language of the 8th Principle?
“We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote:
journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our
actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.”

Adopting the 8th Principle is a tangible expression of love.
The 8th Principle consciously embraces all members of the UU community. It is an expression of care, inclusion, and
action. Here are some additional videos/websites.
The 8th Principle Matters to Members of the BIPOC Community. (video 1:18)

The 8th Principle Matters to UU Youth.

The 8th Principle Matters to Religious Educators.

You can also hear about the experiences of four congregations (Philadelphia, Honolulu, Annapolis,

Summit, NJ) with the 8th Principle in this video

VOTE March 19th at Spring Congregational Meeting.

The following groups at 1U have endorsed the work of the 8th principle: The Green Team, WUURL, RUUM, Wrestling with our Understanding of Racism, and The Board of Trustees. 

Fall Congregational Meeting

Joan Nelson, Board president, convened the meeting shortly after noon on Sunday, October 23. Reports were made by Joan , Rev. Margalie, August C, treasurer, Ted N., personnel committee chair, and John H., lead of the newly formed Operations Team. Dan H. then asked meeting attendees to comment on 1u’s first ever fire drill, which was held right after the service. The slides and video for the meeting are available here; you must be logged into the website for access to this p age.

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Congregational Meeting Announced

1U Fall Congregational Meeting Announcement
November 14th – Following the Service
Format: In-Person and Virtual

Greetings 1U Members:

We are pleased to announce that the Fall Congregational meeting will be held on Sunday,
November 14th. As in the past, the meeting will be held shortly after the Sunday Service. Since
timing has been fluid due to Covid protocols, we will announce the start time and the final
format closer to the date. We will be voting on approval of the minutes from the last meeting
held on May 17th. This was our 2020-2021 Annual Meeting, and the minutes contain summary
updates from staff, program leads, and budget information.

We are continuing the process of voting online, beginning with this post and ending at 1:00 PM
on the day of the meeting. More details will be provided in future Weekly Updates along with
contacts you can call with your vote if you prefer that method.

The Meeting packet is available to members by taking the following steps: Log in under
Member Tab, click though to Our Governance, click through to Congregational Meetings &
Budgets. Please use the voting form found there to register your vote. We have also created a space on the
form to enter any questions you would addressed at the meeting.

This is a wonderful opportunity for us to be together and catch up on the many ways we have
traveled these past challenging months and look forward to being together both in-person and

Yours in Service,
Joan Nelson, Board President