Congregational Meeting means lunch and 1U’s Mid Year Report

A powerful service focused on the world and UUSC’s partners, lunch for all and a Congregational Meeting filled our Sunday. We heard reports from Rev. Margalie and Judith Stein-Farrell, John Hartgering from Finance and the Strategic Planning committee reported on the Vision, Mission and Values asking for support of the months of work by multiple teams with a vote. See Meeting report. Look forward for more information .

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Congregational Meeting on Dec 3rd, Childcare Provided

1U Fall Congregational Meeting
Sunday, December 3, 2023, 12:00 Noon
In the Sanctuary and via Zoom here
Passcode: 453818; Meeting ID: 976 6476 4070

Voting in person only at this meeting.

Please mark your calendar now to attend this Fall Congregational Meeting. Links to the documents for the meeting are below:

  1. Meeting Agenda
  2. Minutes from May 2023 Annual Meeting [to be approved]
  3. Proposed Changes to 1U Bylaws [to be approved]

You may direct questions to
Childcare will be provided.
Looking forward to seeing you there!

Important Note: We will be voting on a Bylaw change. During COVID our leadership did a great job of reacting to the needs of the congregation, keeping us safe, and structuring meetings to accommodate isolation during COVID. Now, we must catch up the wording of our Bylaws to reflect that capability. So, at this fall meeting, only in-person voting will be permitted as we vote on a Bylaw change. We will broadcast the meeting via Zoom, but only those in the Sanctuary will be able to vote. Thus, we need healthy face-to-face attendance! A light meal will be served after church and before the meeting.

Yours in Service,
Paul K., Board President

Fall 2023 Congregational Meeting

1U Fall Congregational Meeting,

Sunday December 3, 2023  12:00 Noon 

In Sanctuary and on Zoom: “Here”  

Passcode: 453818;  Meeting ID: 976 6476 4070 

Voting in person only at this meeting

Please mark your calendar now to attend this Fall Congregational Meeting. Links to the documents for the meeting are below:

  1. Meeting Agenda
  2. Minutes from May 2023 Annual Meeting [to be approved]
  3. Proposed Changes to 1U Bylaws [to be approved]

You may direct questions to

Important note: We will be voting on a bylaw change. During COVID our leadership did a great job of reacting to the needs of the congregation, keeping us safe, and structuring meetings to accommodate isolation during COVID. Now, we must catch up our bylaws to reflect that capability.

So at this fall meeting, only in person voting will be permitted as we vote on a bylaw change. We will broadcast the meeting via Zoom, but only those in the room will be able to vote. Thus, we need healthy face-to-face attendance! A light meal will be served after church and before the meeting.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Yours in Service,

Paul Knight, Board President