The Pledge Drive-Why we contribute


Each year The Pledge Drive gives some of our members an opportunity to share the importance of 1U in their lives. The following are excerpts—

A mother of two children offered the following: Know that when you support 1U you support families who need this village and children who need us to say “I’m so proud of you.” You’re supporting programming that teaches children to act on their values and speak out about their beliefs, making positive changes in the world.

Today I give to 1U and volunteer with the RE program because I want our children to have a loving community. We give our UU children a space where they can be themselves and not only be accepted for who they are but supported and celebrated. Our children need us. They need to know we’re here and we’re on their side. And my message for the youth here is: What you do matters. You are making a difference.  And I am so proud of you.

A grandfather shared: “As we traveled around the country building houses with Habitat for Humanity, Here’s what we found — As we worked side by side with future home owners – We found that our gift of helping them was also their gift right back to us – it was a gift that lifted our spirit and filled our hearts.  

 I think the Unitarians have gotten it right all along – that spreading love and justice, and helping others, is a necessary part of our spiritual journey. — It completes the circle from looking inward to reaching out.”

A dedicated climate change activist shared: My experience at 1U affirms that our church community truly affirms that the environment is vital and that we are all part of the interdependent web of life.   That was brought home to me by the support I received when I brought up the new idea of a solar co-op.

A meeting on May 15, 2015  that started solar co-ops in this Sanctuary happened because I received an immediate “Yes” when I asked Dan H. if he would be interested in hearing about solar co-ops, an idea I had heard about on NPR which sparked a “light bulb” moment. And, next I received another supportive “Yes” when I asked Rev Kathy, our minister at the time, for her OK to use the Sanctuary for a public meeting to launch the solar co-op.    

Now looking forward, I have aspirations for THIS church-that we install SOLAR panels on THIS Sanctuary and our other rooftops so that we reduce our energy footprint and serve to encourage others in our community to consider the solar option.

And, then we have a long time member person share how the Unitarian Universalist principles support her life path: She reminded us about the worth and dignity of each person, compassion for all, the value of a personal philosophy, the importance of democracy, and that all the nations of the world and the natural world are interconnected.

A dedicated Justice member said: I’ve been invited to speak with you this morning about JUSTICE and GENEROSITY.  1U has a reputation in Central Florida as

a place where justice is our core principle, a place where justice happens. So, anything we do to support the existence and life of this church is an act of justice  .    .    .  So, here’s the GENEROSITY part. One of the major ways we support this church is by being generous with our money. To keep justice alive at 1U, we must pledge as much money as our circumstances allow. .    .   . LIVE YOUR VALUES, TAKE OWNERSHIP OF 1U IN YOUR HEART, AND PLEDGE ACCORDINGLY.

Program Assistant Transitions

We are sad to notify you that Sunday, March 10th will be Gabriele “Gaby” Cabrera’s last day with us at the First Unitarian Church of Orlando. Gaby has been with 1U for over 8 years as our Program Assistant and has served this community well. She will be missed tremendously. As you see Gaby over the next couple of weeks, please take a moment to thank her and to wish her well.

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The Flying Horse Big Band was in flight at 1U despite rain.

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An esteemed professor filled in at piano for the first half and a visiting professional drummer for a couple of sets toward the end-in true jazz tradition. So, with jazz, there are always surprises and innovations.

The Flying Horse Big Band is under the direction of saxophonist, American jazz musician, and professor Jeff Rupert. It has played at music festivals and appears at concert halls regionally and nationally. The Flying Horse Big Band is a big band of the Jazz studies program at the University of Central Florida.

In 2005, the UCF Jazz Ensemble I performed a world premier for double big band composed by Sam Rivers. Until February 2013, it was known as UCF Jazz Ensemble 1. This band has the distinction of being one of the few college groups to have both of its first two professional recordings (2011 and 2012) on the Flying Horse Records label[1] hit the top 50 of the JazzWeek charts.

Their debut album Jazz Town climbed to 43 on the JazzWeek chart in 2011.[2] Their 2012 release, The Blues is Alright topped out at 35th on JazzWeek’s chart in March 2013.[3]

Unitarian Univeralist History comes alive with Ken

This month Ken shared with attendees the story of 1U’s first minister, Rev. Eleanor Gordon, and selections of sermons, newspaper articles, and event notices, as well as church growth history. All of us were so heartened that her words rang true today about today’s issues.

The next UU history class will be Wednesday, March 13, and the topic will be “John Pierpoint, Radical in the Pulpit.” Ken writes: What happens to “freedom in the pulpit” when the minister’s moral preaching offends the congregation? Would you believe —a trial? Come hear the story of John Pierpoint, 19th century Unitarian minister, who directly addressed the vices of his congregational members.


Congregational Meeting means lunch and 1U’s Mid Year Report

A powerful service focused on the world and UUSC’s partners, lunch for all and a Congregational Meeting filled our Sunday. We heard reports from Rev. Margalie and Judith Stein-Farrell, John Hartgering from Finance and the Strategic Planning committee reported on the Vision, Mission and Values asking for support of the months of work by multiple teams with a vote. See Meeting report. Look forward for more information .

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Congratulations to Rev. Margalie for earning Full Fellowship accreditation from the UUA









On November 2, 2023, Rev. Margalie attained Full Fellowship from the UUA Ministerial Fellowship Committee (MFC). This status was recognized by 1U on November 19, 2023 during the Sunday morning worship service. Paul Knight, President of the1U Board of Trustees, performed the honors.

Full Fellowship is conferred when a UU minister in Preliminary Fellowship has satisfied the requirements as outlined by the UUA. The credentially exercise for a parish minister includes the minister, their mentor, and the congregation(s) they’re serving at the time that they go through the process.

The First Unitarian Church participated in the process for Rev. Margalie by, both the Board of Trustees and the Committee On (Shared) Ministry, completing and submitting evaluations on her to the MFC. This is a significant step in a minister’s professional life. The entire fellowship process (both preliminary and Full) involves ongoing education, reports, conversations and formal interviews. Congratulations Rev. Margalie!

Celebration of Rev. Dr. King-MLK Candlelight Vigil


On January 7, 2023 The Interfaith Council of Central Florida participated in a Celebration of Rev. Dr. KIng  honoring the Dr. Martin Luther King’s work and life that reminded us that the goals of the movement are yet to be attained everywhere, for everyone.

The theme for the month is “We Cannot Turn Back.” The Youth Humanitarians, selected from the area high schools, were honored at the Orlando City Hall before the Candlelight Walk to the First United Methodist Church.

Guest speaker was the Bishop Derrick L. McRae, Senior Pastor of The Experience Christian Center and President of the African American Council of Christian Clergy. Mayor Dyer thanked Rabbi David Kay, Chair, Interfaith Council of Central Florida, for organizing the Vigil.

The Interfaith Leaders led the attendees in Affirmation Statement of support and courage with words of faith. Pictures (Left to right):   Sikh, Jasbir Singh Bhatia; Central Florida Freethought Community, Jocelyn Williamson; Interfaith Council of Central Florida, Rabbi David Kay; First Unitarian Church of Orlando and Unitarian Universalism, Rev. Margalie Belizaire; Islam, Imam Hatim Hamidullah; Judaism,
Rabbi Rachael Jackson; Christianity, D. Fuller Haring; Buddhism, Bob Allan. More photos here.

Bookstore Grand Re-Opening at 1U Paired Many Readers with New Books

The Nora Staton Bookstore re-appeared with its 200+ books after being closed for the past 3 years due to COVID. Sunday’s members and friends had the opportunity to see these books, published by Skinner House and Beacon Press (publishing arms of the UUA), on a variety of topics. Ken and Carolina L. have been running this bookstore for members and friends at 1U since 1993. If you have questions, email


UU Bookstore Grand Re-Opening on Sunday, October 29

After a 3-year hiatus (due to COVID), the Nora Staton Bookstore will once again be open on Sunday, October 29, in the Gore Hall Foyer. We’ll open at 9:30am, so you can do some shopping before church or while kids are in RE, and we’ll be open after church until 12:45pm. We accept cash, check, or charge as payment. Most of these books are published by Skinner House and Beacon Press, the publishing arms of the UUA. Categories of books include: Intro to UU; UU History; Social Justice; Church Leadership and Worship; Life Passages and Journeys; World Religions; Children and Parenting; and Poems, Essays, and Meditations. Stop by and check out some new titles as well as continuing favorites. This is the last time the bookstore will be open this year, so get started on your Christmas shopping!

Questions? Contact Ken and Carolina L. at

Former UUA President Peter Morales shops at the Nora Staton Bookstore, too!