The Joy of Flowers

The Pulpit Flowers Group and Flower Garden Team contribute so much to our members’ and friends’  joy.  The following are photos of most of our Pulpit Flower givers.  We thank them all.

Linda P., the force guiding our celebration of flowers, writes the following:

Our purpose is to provide fresh flowers for display in the sanctuary to enhance Sunday Services, and provide flowers for church meetings, church  members, as well as the Care Team, Minister and others to take to those towhom they minister.

The flowers growing in our flower garden which is located at the front of the Enrichment Center are for all the church members/friends/staff and other associated folks/charities.  

Some of the members of our group work in the Church Flower Garden help to grow flowers. Some of our members provide fresh flower arrangements from our garden and/or other sources to embellish our Sunday services. 

We invite you to sign up to bring flowers once or more per year in memory of loved ones/causes or in celebration of memorable achievements, etc. Or, just because you want to bring flowers for all to enjoy! Email: and Linda P. will respond to help you arrange for a specific date.

Free Handbell Concert April 29, 2024

1U is proud to host the Magic of Bronze Handbell Ensemble as their home for rehearsals.
On Monday, April 29, 2024 at 7:45pm, they will be performing for us in Gore Hall as an open dress rehearsal for an upcoming concert series. The performance is titled, “Celestial Cadences, A handbell voyage in space and time” and will include music from Star Wars, Star Trek, and more.
Please plan to come support “our” handbell ensemble and enjoy an evening of beautiful music.
2024-04 Free Handbell Concert

Celebrating the Sacred Web with Food and Information – Sunday, April 14

GReen Team worship announcement

The Green Mini-Fair after The Sacred Web service was bountiful. Tables sharing information: Go Solar, Gardener’s Corner, GO Energy Efficient, Zero Waste Lifestyle,Mystic Grove Corner and the Right Place, Right Plant table (with plants to take home). Furthering the message of green, no paper products and vegetarian foods. Thank you Green Team. And, remember Earth Day at Lake Eola on April 20.


The Pledge asks each of us to look out for each other.


The Central Florida Pledge is a call to action for residents of Central Florida who are tired of hateful discourse and want to create a safe and inclusive community for all. The Pledge asks residents to commit to treating all people with kindness and respect, especially those with whom they disagree.

The organizers ask residents of central Florida to commit to THE CENTRAL FLORIDA PLEDGE and help eliminate all forms of harassment, hate speech, or persecution directed toward any group who resides in our community!

Building a Better Community is the goal and THE PLEDGE asks you to sign in Agreement to be and act as follows:

I WILL lead by example, treating all people, especially those with whom I disagree, with kindness and respect

I WILL refrain from inflammatory words and actions, and actively support those being attacked

I WILL report threatening incidents of hate and violence to 800-423-TIPS (8477)

I WILL educate myself about antisemitism, Islamophobia, racism, homophobia, and all other forms of discrimination, and help others in my circle of influence to do the same

Go to the website to learn more and to sign. Check out THE PLEDGE in Gore Hall. Whether you sign or not, know about THE PLEDGE and protect others as is needed. Refer people to this effort who may be be helped knowing of this community support and those who want to build a better community.

The Pledge Drive-Why we contribute


Each year The Pledge Drive gives some of our members an opportunity to share the importance of 1U in their lives. The following are excerpts—

A mother of two children offered the following: Know that when you support 1U you support families who need this village and children who need us to say “I’m so proud of you.” You’re supporting programming that teaches children to act on their values and speak out about their beliefs, making positive changes in the world.

Today I give to 1U and volunteer with the RE program because I want our children to have a loving community. We give our UU children a space where they can be themselves and not only be accepted for who they are but supported and celebrated. Our children need us. They need to know we’re here and we’re on their side. And my message for the youth here is: What you do matters. You are making a difference.  And I am so proud of you.

A grandfather shared: “As we traveled around the country building houses with Habitat for Humanity, Here’s what we found — As we worked side by side with future home owners – We found that our gift of helping them was also their gift right back to us – it was a gift that lifted our spirit and filled our hearts.  

 I think the Unitarians have gotten it right all along – that spreading love and justice, and helping others, is a necessary part of our spiritual journey. — It completes the circle from looking inward to reaching out.”

A dedicated climate change activist shared: My experience at 1U affirms that our church community truly affirms that the environment is vital and that we are all part of the interdependent web of life.   That was brought home to me by the support I received when I brought up the new idea of a solar co-op.

A meeting on May 15, 2015  that started solar co-ops in this Sanctuary happened because I received an immediate “Yes” when I asked Dan H. if he would be interested in hearing about solar co-ops, an idea I had heard about on NPR which sparked a “light bulb” moment. And, next I received another supportive “Yes” when I asked Rev Kathy, our minister at the time, for her OK to use the Sanctuary for a public meeting to launch the solar co-op.    

Now looking forward, I have aspirations for THIS church-that we install SOLAR panels on THIS Sanctuary and our other rooftops so that we reduce our energy footprint and serve to encourage others in our community to consider the solar option.

And, then we have a long time member person share how the Unitarian Universalist principles support her life path: She reminded us about the worth and dignity of each person, compassion for all, the value of a personal philosophy, the importance of democracy, and that all the nations of the world and the natural world are interconnected.

A dedicated Justice member said: I’ve been invited to speak with you this morning about JUSTICE and GENEROSITY.  1U has a reputation in Central Florida as

a place where justice is our core principle, a place where justice happens. So, anything we do to support the existence and life of this church is an act of justice  .    .    .  So, here’s the GENEROSITY part. One of the major ways we support this church is by being generous with our money. To keep justice alive at 1U, we must pledge as much money as our circumstances allow. .    .   . LIVE YOUR VALUES, TAKE OWNERSHIP OF 1U IN YOUR HEART, AND PLEDGE ACCORDINGLY.

Winged Wonders and Wildlife Day

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The Interfaith Environmental Alliance of Central Florida’s Day for Winged Wonders and Wildlife sponsored a guided walk at the Orlando Wetlands Park recently. More than 30 people attended-many from 1U, some from the Interfaith Alliance and some from the Orange County Audubon.  The Orange County Audubon supplied 4 guides and binoculars for all who needed one. See here for more information about birding  with the Orange Audubon Society.

The leisurely one mile walk was a joy and informative due to the beautiful weather, the four knowledgeable guides, and the many questions  and comments from the attendees  about the habitat, the wildlife and the history of the Wetlands. Just some of the wildlife that we observed: roseate spoonbills, purple gallinule, sandhill cranes with newborns, some nesting egrets and great egrets and even a harrier hawk as well as many coots, ibis and blue teal, and, of course, a few alligators. Thank you Green Team for being a founding member of the Interfaith Alliance and organizing the sign ups and the binocular pick-up.